
Line drawn.

This is not a place to get into politics or touchy issues.  I know there are wide opinions on toys for kids in terms of gender issues, body image issues, the works.  But on Saturday morning I was on sitting at the island in our kitchen with the TV on in the background.  It had been left on since earlier, and kids cartoons were on and I had not bothered to get up and change it.  Obviously since 'tis the season most commercials were for toys.  This one commercial left me with my mouth open.

I studied public health, interned at anti-obesity organizations when in grad school, and still volunteer and advocate for children's nutritional improvement in America.  I do believe there is an epidemic of childhood obesity in this country.  And, Goliath's Pop the Pig is not helping.  I will not go as so far as to say this toy promotes children eating until you explode, but that is the point of the game!  You win if you feed the pig so much until it does not pop, but the belly is as big as possible.  I was literally shocked and I may even write a letter as I'm watching this commercial.  This toy company should be slightly more self-aware of the current problems with this country's youth before it touts a game involving stuffing food down a plastic pig.  I'm sorry but I think it is irresponsible and also kinda gross. 

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