

Hi Internet world,

Allow me to introduce myself.  I'm a late twenty-something who has lived in 4 major cities across the U.S.  since college and knows the best way to feel at home is make their apartment or home cozy, find a good running trail, find a good grocery store (and make friends with the meat guy), and start moving around.  New York, San Francisco, Chicago, D.C. and now Miami have all been home since college (in N.C.)  My southern mother and northern father taught me good manners, a love of food, how to drive like a trucker, appreciate a good thread count, and the importance of giving back. 

I recently moved to Miami so as I experience this acclamation period I thought I'd share my thoughts.  I have friends and family all over and love to visit and find little treasures as I expand my wings.  But at the end the day, coming home to a comfy couch with the ones you love is the best. 

My interests are not linear.  Allow this space to be where I share what I've seen, want to see, and generally explore.  I told my mom I started a blog.  Her response, "Well, you're not short on opinions."  Thanks.


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